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Born with a talent.

A good photograph is not all about taking a snapshot using your Nikon DSLR and then edit it with Adobe photoshop, matter in fact, a good photograph does not meant to be edited at all. It takes an amazing skills and techniques along with an exhausting effort waiting for the perfect day, the perfect timing, choosing the best place for the best subject, and clicking the shutter, it takes patients. Because a photo meant to have a sense of meaning behind it. Not just plain snaps.

We have just collaborated with a photographer. A 21 Year-Old boy from the heart of Borneo and he is well known as Sham Mohamad, "I am new to photography" he said, but the moment we viewed his gallery, this young boy took one of the most wonderful photos that, by our own judgement, is professional. Working along and supporting sham is a moment to be proud of for kulum because he is one of the talent our generation is waiting for.

Click here to view Sham's Instagram: @Shmm_md

A video created by Sham Mohammad.

Photos taken by Sham Mohammad.

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